
The games listed here were done with the catcher mechanic as the base game mechanic. Students are expected to expand and diversify the base game mechanics and come up with a good playable game



Some of the game file size is very big. If the game does not load after the preloader has done loading(blank screen), Do wait a while longer.  

Alice in Wonderland 2 by N…

Alice in Wonderland II is a catcher-mechanic game based on the storyline of Disney an ...

324 plays Likes: 0

Get Em Wheel Chair 2 by Ta…

This is part 2 of the story/game. Mrs. Granny had to collect fruits for the monkey in ...

398 plays Likes: 0

Cat’s Meow 2 by Angi…

Cat’s Meow 2 is the sequel to the previous game, Cat’s Meow. Continuing from the prev ...

379 plays Likes: 0

Robbing Family by Watsakan…

:“Robbing Family” is a bank robbing game, where the player takes the role of Robbing ...

289 plays Likes: 2

The promised land by Birgi…

The Promised Land, the land which is only exists among the Goddess, fairies and witch ...

206 plays Likes: 0

Crash landed 2 by Wilson K…

Crash landed 2 continued where the first crash landed ended. When Marvin the martian ...

263 plays Likes: 0

Feed Dino 2 by Voon Ann

In this “Feed Dino 2”, the player has to help the grown up Dino go through obstacles ...

237 plays Likes: 0