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The exam that the player have to accomplish is help Fairy Godmother to craft things for Cinderella. To craft things for Cinderella, the player have to collect the needed items first as written inside the recipe, after the required numbers of the items collected then the player can do the crafting. If the player manage to craft all the Cinderella needs, then she/he will pass the Witch Exam and get many privileges for being a witch.

Catcher, Flash, Games Design »

The promised land by Birgitta Stacia

The promised land by Birgitta StaciaThe Promised Land, the land which is only exists among the Goddess, fairies and witches. They are the reason why miracles happen. The Goddess is the main reason this magical world exists, she rules the fairies and witches on doing their work. The fairies are the messengers, they deliver the miracles around the world. Meanwhile, the witches create all the magical stuffs, they call it crafting.

The story begin with a girl ( the player ) that want to become a witch and take the Witch Exam. The exam that the player have to accomplish is help Fairy Godmother to craft things for Cinderella. To craft things for Cinderella, the player have to collect the needed items first as written inside the recipe, after the required numbers of the items collected then the player can do the crafting. If the player manage to craft all the Cinderella needs, then she/he will pass the Witch Exam and get many privileges for being a witch.

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