

Greetings to whoever reads this, my name is Darian Marvin, I'm just an average human being with a below average attitude, trying to live an average life with a below average effort. A little mandatory introduction about myself: I like to play basketball, do pointless stuff, read pointless stuff and listen to pointless stuff, but I do love animals, passionately. As painful as this education path is, I would like to thank a few remarkable people that changed my way of thinking throughout this journey, such as Ms. Sabariah, Mr. Vikram, Mr. Qhawarizmi, Ms. Yasmin, and a few others that I would like to mention but I am not too sure on how to spell their names. I would truly like to thank all of those people for everything, from the deepest part of this shallow heart of mine. One more thing, there is a saying that “Life is hard, don't make it harder.” Please keep that as a reminder and stop making your life and other people’s lives harder. I wish that life isn't all that hard for me and you, thank you and have a great day. Sorry for what seems to be such a depressing bio about myself but all is good yo, peace!

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