

Nabihah Abd Rahman is a 24-year-old student who is currently in her final semester of her bachelor’s degree. She has been interested in architecture since high school and is grateful for the opportunity to study in one of Malaysia’s top private schools which is Taylors University. She is an avid user of 3DS Max and Photoshop. During her free time, she likes to learn new skills involving softwares like Rhino 3D and Revit. She also had interest in joining software classes that are taught by professionals in the design industry to gain more software knowledge. In 2016, she completed her Diploma in Interior Design at Taylor’s University and continued her Bachelor's Degree (Hons) in Interior Architecture. Nabihah has experienced working in a few interior design companies before pursuing her degree. For 3 months, she was doing her internship at Young Blood, and 5 months at Snor Interior Design which is a small company that is only developing. After that, she did her degree internship for 6 months at a Japanese Interior Design company named Design Spirits., After graduating design school, she hopes to embark on more new experiences to help gain even more knowledge in the design industry. She wishes to gain exposure in all kinds of working experiences in interior architecture as knowledge is of the utmost important to her.

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